We are very proud to
announce the publication
of our wonderful anthology
exclusively featuring original works
by some of the creative talent
discovered, nurtured
and showcased
here at The Bright Light
Speaking of Love -
positive and uplifting
short stories and poems about
Romance, Marriage and True Love.
28 short stories and poems by
19 writers and poets from Australia,
the US, the UK and New Zealand.
Give yourself
someone you care about
a real treat and read
Speaking of Love now.
You deserve it.
deserve to feel wonderful.
You deserve
to feel wonderful right now.
More information ...
to The Bright Light Café!
You’ve come to the
right place for free, positive entertainment.
When you feel like a meal of happiness, here are hundreds of pages of uplifting entertainment, giving you
something enjoyable to read, listen to, play or meditate upon any
time of the day or night. And it’s Free!

you’ve been feeling a bit down then here is your perfect mental,
emotional and spiritual pick-me-up. We
all become what we absorb most. If
you’ve been absorbing negativity in your entertainment and environment
then you are bound to feel negative. Absorb happiness and you will be happy.
the “The Good Stuff”
Every Day
Come to The Bright Light Café for your daily meal of happiness.
Spend time in our pool of positivity.
We know happiness is a basic requirement for us all.
We all know, deep in our hearts, that we need regular doses of happiness,
as much as we need food and water. Everyone needs to see, think, hear and
experience uplifting moments every day.
The Bright Light Café presents a gourmet menu of such moments.
Free Entertainment, Free Showcasing
The Bright Light Café is also a free online showcasing centre for
wonderful new and established talents.
Our aim is to give the creative community an ever-increasing global
audience and a chance to
cross-pollinate their arts while focusing their talents on all that is positive,
uplifting and fun.
Serving Positivity
We opened our café doors to provide you with a safe, happy place.
Relaxation is here. Peace is here.
Fun is here. Feel our
friendship and warm smiles flowing straight to you, then choose your
creative dish of the day, consume a quick treat or settle down for a
hearty meal, and be revitalized. Return
to us whenever you need another dose of happy.
You are always welcome at The Bright Light Café! Enjoy!
to our
Free monthly
Join Now!
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& Laugh
to Love
are Talking:
makes the website special is the positive uplifting nature of the pieces
that are published here. … I always come away feeling good."
Simone Busch
you for such a wonderful site"
Colleen Logie
am really so grateful for your support and motivation"
Daniel Gbemi Akinlolu
South Africa
best part of it is the audio visual effect which makes it stand out of the
Vinay Goyal
Bright Light Café is growing by leaps and bounds, not to mention the new
and material!"
Denise Marshall
United States
would like to say that tonight I was in need of some happy and uplifting
emotional help & have found it all here. It seems that choosing tonight
to view the site may, have had a little spiritual guidance in bringing me
A Happy Soul