Alarm Cries "Wolf"
silence shattered 2am
security alarm blasting
a block or a mile away
relentless until it stops
abruptly leaving a void
of non noise yet not
quiet serenity in the
darkness of my bedroom
did someone return home
forget to enter the code within
the 45 second time limit or
push the wrong button on
the car remote unable to reset
in the dark or was it a thwarted
burglary with the prowler frightened
away toward my unlocked car
or another false alarm, alerting
no one not even bothering to turn
on the yard light look out the window
to see if danger lurks if someone needs
help just roll over back to sleep someone
else closer can check it out this time since
it has happened so many times no longer
believable the alarm cries, "wolf"
Gray Wolf Howling at Moon
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(applause received)
Ann United States
"why is that???"
Connie Walle United
"Both poems are very easy to relate to. I hate
(Editor: referring to Carl's poem,
"8 legged phobia")
and the ongoing problems with unanswered alarms is alluded to here also. Nice
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