Grace Kelly & Adventure
Clark Gable starred
with Ava Gardner and Grace Kelly in Mogambo. The film was directed
by John Ford and was shot in Africa. Grace Kelly was already a star
but she was still new to movies, and great adventures.
Clark Gable recalled
the 24 year old Grace with affection. He told a fond story of how excited
she was with their African location.
Every morning, Grace
went out to the filming locations, even when she wasn't needed in those
scenes. It meant getting up early, and riding on an uncomfortable
wagon over miles of rutted dirt tracks in the heat.
Clark Gable couldn't
understand why Grace didn't stay back with the comforts of their
hotel. He asked her, "It's hell for me to bounce for miles with the
bugs and the mosquitoes and everything ... why do you do it?"
Grace looked around her
and replied, "Oh, I want to see everything. I want to have stories
to tell my grandchildren."
African Skies
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