Roald Dahl
Dahl was a 26 year old veteran of World War 2 when he was invalided
home, then sent to Washington DC, as an Assistant Air Attaché.
Roald found himself with a lot of spare time, and equal
amount of boredom, when he met C. S. Forester, author of the Horatio
Hornblower tales.
was writing articles about Britain for American papers and
magazines, and he’d heard that Roald Dahl had had some very scary
adventures while in the RAF. Forester
took Roald Dahl out to lunch, hoping for the information for a good
written piece.
was a success with Dahl full of true-life adventure memories, but
Forester found taking notes while enjoying his meal and Roald’s
company too difficult and asked Dahl to write out a series of notes
about his war experiences.
Dahl found writing easy and cathartic and spent five hours writing
about his experiences. He
sent the finished article to Forester.
week later, Dahl received a letter from Forester informing him that
Roald’s article had been sent, untouched, to the Saturday Evening
Post. It had been
immediately accepted. Roald
Dahl received $1,000.
the 1940’s $1,000 was a lot of money, and Dahl realised he had
found a profitable profession that he thoroughly enjoyed.
It seems that the name of his initial article was a prophesy
for his writing career. It
was called “A Piece of Cake”.
you’ve got to be lucky.
I’m convinced you are born with it,
though it’s latent with many people for a long time.

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