the Ferris Wheel!
Came Running was written by James Jones, who also authored From
Here to Eternity. Both
From Here to Eternity and Some Came Running were
turned into successful films, starring Frank Sinatra. From Here to Eternity was directed by Fred Zinnermann,
who Frank Sinatra admired. Some
Came Running was directed by Vincente Minnelli, who Frank did
not admire. Fred
Zinnermann was a more dictatorial director, which made Frank feel
very secure, while Vincente Minnelli encouraged his actors to find
their own characters, with minimal intervention from him, which made
Frank feel very insecure.
Sinatra also found Vincente Minnelli’s need for the perfect shot,
too artsy and pretentious for Frank’s need for structured time.
Matters came to a head at the end of very long night of
filming. This
particular scene was set in a fairground, with a killer seeking the
hero and his girl, played by Shirley MacLaine.
As soon as darkness ended, so did the ability to shoot
anymore of the scene until the next night.
It was almost dawn. Vincente had been taking his time trying
to figure out the perfect shot involving a Ferris Wheel.
Frank’s temper was simmering.
Eventually Vincente Minnelli made his decision – he would
not move the camera to get the right effect, he would move the
entire Ferris Wheel!
Sinatra’s temper snapped and he left the set, the town and the
state, returning to Los Angels.
It took two weeks, the producer’s persuasion and Vincente
Minnelli’s promise to move cameras instead of Ferris Wheels,
before Frank would return to filming.
Chairman Of The Board
Micarelli, Clement
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