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The Good Stuff
Happy Whatever
by Geoff Weilert
Length: 32 lines

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Speaking of Love - positive and uplifting short stories and poems about Romance, Marriage and True Love.

- Speaking of Love -
positive and uplifting
short stories and poems about
Romance, Marriage and true Love.

If you're in love with love,
then join the club -
everyone who wants a brighter day and a brighter world belongs to the exact same club
and we're all looking for ways to make our hearts sing and our eyes shine.

LUCKY for us, Speaking of Love
manages to do both.
Give yourself,
or someone you care about,
a real treat and read
Speaking of Love
You deserve it.
You deserve to feel wonderful.
You deserve
to feel wonderful right now.

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Deep Relaxation & My Place of Tranquillity CD

Conquer Stress
Deep Relaxation
and your own inner
Place of Tranquillity

- Audio sample -

- Audio sample - 

Deep Relaxation

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Happy Whatever

'Twas the night before something
But alas to my dismay
In these politically correct times
What it is, I can’t really say.

Whatever I utter,
These days someone gets offended,
Even though I’m just talking
And no offense was intended.

I should stick to national holidays
But it would probably be my fate again
To wish someone a Happy 4th of July
An end up offending some Canadian.

So I’ve decided to just talk
And speak my mind out much bolder
So stop being so sensitive
And get that chip off your shoulder.

Though differences there are
In custom, language, and name,
When you take everything off
We’re all pretty much the same.

So the generic holiday character
These days now loudly exclaims,
As he whistles and calls out
The politically correct names

Now Tyrone, now Herschel,
Now Tatyana, now Juan,
On Melissa, on Devesh,
On Mohammed and Kwan.

If I have written anything
That has caused you some strife,
I say a Happy Holiday to all,
And just get a life.

 Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays
Kathy ...
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