The Good Stuff
My Ailing Mother
by Meenu Mehrotra
Length: 39 lines

to Michael
- a visionary novel -
Have you ever wondered what will happen
when you die?
Have you ever wanted to meet your Guardian Angel and learn the lessons of
freedom and love?
Then its time to read
to Michael".
Prepare to cry and laugh out loud and feel good all
information ...
Ailing Mother
The waves of life
quiver and shiver
Like someone walking on burning embers
The farthest I can see
The closest I want to hold her
Hope and fear - both are endless
But life prays for life
Everything’s written large
On her face
A face strife
With the struggles of time
A face washed
With the tides of fatigue
A face scrubbed clean
With despair
Burrows of age stand testimony.
Innumerable tears
Have flown on those crevices
Countless laughters
Have spread on its landscape
But the pain now … is
Taller than the highest mountain
Deeper than the deepest ocean
I see in her eyes
The dance of death
In all its fury & rage
A deafening noise
A chasm of silence
A cheerless, no—applause dance
Inching her way
To the land of the unknown …
But I know
The umbilical cord that binds
Me with her
Can never be shorn from my being
The dance of death
Can never reach
Where she will remain …
Within me, for me, always …
Mother and Daughter
Kennington, Thomas B.
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