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The Good Stuff
Short Story
Have a Nice Day!
by Denise Marshall
Length: 487 words 

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Lots of laughter
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Barbara Llewellyn

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Have a Nice Day!

The funniest thing happened to me a few mornings ago, and I mean "funny" literally!  I was racing 'round and 'round our diner's kitchen like a mad woman trying frantically to prepare for, and beat, our breakfast crowd.  J'ever ever have one of those days with no "right-ons" and all "wrong turns?"  That morning started out as one such day, and I kicked it off in grand style!

First, I spilled hot tea onto the linen napkins and all over the paper menus; of course the other way around would have been too perfect. ... We may have been able to salvage them, and we wouldn't want that, now would we?  As I turned to get a dish towel to dry the mess up, I bumped into the soda fountain which, of course, scattered boxes of straws and toothpicks into the large coffee urn.  That particular urn, coincidentally, contained the only freshly brewed coffee made from the last of our special secret blend, perfectly-prepared and ready to serve.

Somewhere inside my head that mad woman was going crazy; she had turned into a banshee, and was now making a nest!  I could only shake my head as I always do as I stood there staring at those straws and toothpicks floating on top of a brown sea.  Suddenly, she seemed to come out of nowhere, the mad woman was whispering something to me: "Let those darn chips stay there!  Where they fall, let 'em lay as they may!"  I don't know why, but that did it!

The irony of that old adage coming to mind struck me down to my "funny bone"; nearly tickled me to death.  I couldn't help myself nor could I get the elusive "grip", and I let out one big, guffawing belly laugh that made all eyes turn to me.

You know how contagious laughing can be, and sure enough, though nobody knew why, I could hear a low hum of snicker-giggles building to crescendo along with me.  Wasn't long before they just couldn't help themselves either!  They started laughing and trying to ask me what was so funny all at the same time.  Between my outbursts, I tried but couldn't explain it. Eventually one or two walked away, but the rest of us were so caught up, we had to keep on laughing!

All that laughing and smiling made me feel much better, and not a moment to soon!  I looked up to see our rush of "a.m. coffee" customers filing into the front door, some were walking in two-by-two.  It didn't bother me in the least; the "heebie-jeebies" had come and gone.  Smiling, I looked at the regulars, who were speaking to and looking back at me smiling.  I was still giggling myself when I raised my fist in a "thumb-ups" sign and bid each and every one of them "top o' the mornin'" and, of course, I wished them the standard "nice day"!

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