This is a tale of two brothers named Wright
Not the same Wrights that made the first flight.
The two that flew were definitely two others
So if you thought you were right, you had the wrong Wright Brothers.
These brothers named Wright, not the ones that first flew
But I’m speaking, of course, of the ones that I knew.
When side-by-side, they made a strange sight,
For on this line, each end was the Wright.
The Wright on the right was a writer quite deft,
Who could write equally well with his right or his left.
When writing to Wright, Wright had a very strict rite,
That it was only right to write Wright with his right.
That left the left Wright who was usually right,
When answering questions that people would write.
Now as I write something that may sound quite trite,
Even when wrong he was still always Wright.
These two Wrights had friends that were named Wong.
Two times as many Wongs don’t make a line half as long.
This fact then shows that what is said is quite right
That everyone knows two Wongs don’t make a Wright.