Ball Tournament
Dedicated to Aundrea,
my youngest grandgirl
player support
three different breakfasts for
the three grumpy grouches slowly
becoming two grandgirls and a papa
talking about the early game of
of the softball series forgetting to
thank grandma for getting them out
the door in time to drive to the park
before the umpire yells play ball
between whines about the early
morning rain from those under
umbrellas on the second day
of the tournament spectators
cheer for the cold wet players
mud sticking to the cleats of
the little girls baseball shoes
poised in position ready
to react prepared to move
quickly right or left
as the May wind blows
blustering Washington rain
at the 8am start first game
of the weekend series
rain drips from the back
of the 3rd baseman’s hair
send a shiver down her back
Play Ball
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United States
"I just loved it. I could see the sleepy girls and grumpy grandpa eating breakfast while grandma running around getting things ready"
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