About Bright
Light Multimedia Bright Light Multimedia is a
creative development and publishing house located in
Brisbane, Australia. Our mission is to deliver positive and uplifting entertainment and awareness
products to the global community by way of both online and
traditional distribution channels.
Bright Light Multimedia website is our publishing and retail
environment where our catalogue of retail items are showcased and
sold via our secure online shop. As well as shippable
product such as CDs and books, the same items
available for purchase via digital download, enabling customers a
choice in product fulfilment.
Bright Light
has many new product releases in development, and we also plan to
establish a family of talented contributors to increase the
output and diversity of our positive product range. To that
end, we are calling for submissions from creative artists of all
genre. The best submissions will first be showcased at our
online entertainment website "The Bright Light Café",
and then considered for inclusion in future commercial releases.
The Bright Light Multimedia Philosophy
Our business and
life philosophy is
essentially founded on the positive and mutually empowering practices
of love, truth, honour, respect, compassion, peace on earth, goodwill to all,
and a big dose of happiness.
Always keeping this philosophy in mind, Bright Light Multimedia is dedicated to
crafting products and services that lift spirits, inspire lives,
heal hearts, promote health, deepen relationships, create
understanding, bring smiles, entertain, send love, validate worth, and grow
The concept for Bright Light
Multimedia has been lovingly nurtured through
several incarnations for over a decade. It has its roots in a
lifetime of intense experience and deep personal growth.
