The Good Stuff
The Defiance of Prometheus
by Nisheeth
Length: 40 lines

Temple of Zeus, Athens
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The Defiance of Prometheus
"I do not fear you,
Thus did chained Prometheus speak.
Glittering eye resolute as ever
Though all else be worn and weak.
"A spark of fire was all it took
To ignite the Creator's envy.
'Can the deeds of Gods,' you thundered
'Be mimicked by figurines of clay?'
"Tis not just a blaze to cook on
Fire performs miracles untold
When it reaches a human's belly
Ambition his actions does mould.
"Then shall you squirm in your throne, Zeus!
As man refuses you your divinity.
And questions your infinite wisdom
We all know you have not any.
"Ay, louder still ring your peals of thunder.
Throw your bolts and scorch the sky.
The impotence of your rage betrays you.
Whatsoever the torture, I will still defy.
"Poseidon lashes his whip at my cliff,
The cold chains bite hard at my wrist,
The Hellespontian screams in fury,
The eagles circle in their unending feast.
"I do not beg your indulgence, Zeus,
Nor rain importunities at your head.
I followed your injunction in earnest.
'Make Men on the earth', is what you said.
"Man must have the fire of passion,
Luminance of reason, flames of desire,
Other creatures live as we let them
But Man must always look up higher.
"'Devise a
Man', is what you said
And I used whatever it took.
There is no humanity sans passion,
Whither the impertinence you wouldn't brook?
"'I do not fear you,
Thus did chained Prometheus speak.
Glittering eye resolute as ever
Though all else be worn and weak.
Prometheus Statue , Rockefeller Center, NYC, NY
Bibikow, Walter
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