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The Good Stuff
The Train
by B. A. Llewellyn
Length: 48 lines

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Voice: Barbara Llewellyn

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The Train

An awfully big train came barrelling down,
Over the grass, without making a sound.
I couldn’t help wondering, as I stood all alone,
If I could run fast enough to still make it home.
So I turned and I ran, I was soon out of breathe,
But I couldn’t stop now – it might mean my death.

Soon I came to some trees with a river near by.
“Here’s my chance to escape” I thought with a sigh.
But over my shoulder breathed strong ghostly steel,
Anyone who’s been frightened will know how I feel.
I couldn’t stop now, there was no other way,
I’d have to keep running ‘til I turned old and grey.

I heard a loud whistle, I felt some hot steam.
I pinched myself now, hoping this was a dream,
But I didn’t wake up, which seems as it should,
A pinch in a dream is still a falsehood.
So I ran and I ran, at least thirty mile.
“That’s a long way to run”, I hear you all smile.

And then it was raining, pelting down to the ground
There was thunder and lightening and it made not a sound.
And that awfully big train kept pummelling on
And me kept on running, wishing train and rain gone.
It seemed I had problems enormous and dire,
As the earth turned all mushy, a dangerous quagmire.

But then the rain stopped, the ground sprouted flowers
I wondered if I’d grown magical powers.
And now it was sunshine, a rail station appeared.
I jumped onto the platform, I no longer feared
The train stopped, as it should, with a big puff of smoke,
And opened its doors for all worn out folk.

I thought for a while, I could have got on.
But my gut feeling told me somehow that was wrong.
So I leaned on a wall, waved the train on its way.
I laughed as it left.  I felt downright gay.
I’d won against odds that seemed harsh and extreme.
If this was a dream, it had been awfully mean

Then suddenly tired, I sat on a seat,
After all of my running, I now had sore feet.
I lay down for a nap, a short close of the eyes,
And tried to sort out the truth from the lies.
Then I woke up, I was now in my bed.
The clock it was screaming … something I dread.

I rushed from that minute - work was waiting for me.
A bed and a home come to no-one for free.
I packed up my body, I packed up my lunch.
I joined with the masses in our daily crunch.
Then the day it was ended, my train was due in.
I saw its steel grey, and let my dreaming begin.

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Central Station

By Chris Bennett


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