delightful and enchanting story was chosen to appear in
Bright Light Multimedia's latest anthology,
“Speaking of Love”.
For your pleasure and perusal, we present an extract
from ...
The Coffee Shop
As they walked hand-in-hand along the cobblestone street of the plaza, he
spotted a small coffee shop tucked in between two stores now closed for the
“Do you want to get out of the rain?” he asked.
“It’s not raining,” she replied.
“It might rain,” he said.
She laughed.
“Come on,” he said, letting go of her hand and encircling her waist with his
arm. He directed her toward the door of the shop, reached in front of her to
grasp the handle and motioned, with a tilt of his head, for her to enter. They
paused momentarily just inside the entrance to allow their eyes to adjust to the
difference in light between the still-sunny street and the coolly-lit café. The
mildly acrid smell of strong coffee filled the atmosphere of the small shop. Few
other patrons were present which was why he had chosen the coffee shop as
opposed to the many small cafés surrounding the plaza which would just now be
catering to the dinner crowd.
“Coffee?” he asked.
“Tea, I think.”
He moved toward the counter at the back of the shop, leaving her still standing
in the doorway. After a moment’s hesitation, she selected a small table near the
front of the shop, next to one of the only two windows which opened onto the
plaza. He returned and placed the steaming cup in front of her.
“They only have teabags,” he said.
“It’s fine, really,” she said, opening the small package and dipping the bag into
the steaming water.
“The rain has stopped,” she said, motioning to the window.
“Yeah,” he agreed, smiling broadly, pleased by her willingness to play along.
complete story can now be found in Bright Light
Multimedia’s latest publication
Speaking of
positive and uplifting short stories and poems about
romance, marriage and true love -
Click here for more information

Editor: "The Coffee
Shop" is a wonderful story – in fact, we like it so
much, we chose it to go into our book about the joys and
wonder of love – “Speaking of Love”. If you know someone
who enjoys feeling good all over, then this is the
perfect present for them. Remember you deserve to feel
happy too. Why not give yourself the gift that keeps on
giving – “Speaking of Love”.
After Hours
Art Print
Heighton, Brent
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