This delightful and enchanting
story was chosen to appear in Bright Light Multimedia's latest anthology,
“Speaking of Love”.
For your pleasure and perusal, we present an extract from ...
When Love Strikes
“You don’t
look right.”
Bill turned his head to the left, cocked his chin up,
tightened his lips, and gave an evil stare at the woman who
just said that to him. Who did this woman think she was?
Talking like that to a complete stranger.
“This is why I don’t walk to work,” Bill thought to himself,
“Nuts. These people are all nuts.”
“I know you heard me,” the woman said again.
Bill grabbed his tie and pulled it. He hated the thought of
talking to someone and not having his tie perfectly aligned.
“Do I know you?” Bill said to the woman. “Now, before you
open your mouth again, why don’t you stop for a minute and
think. You shouldn’t talk to people you don’t know. But,
since we are talking now, want to know something funny?”
“I’d love nothing more,” the woman replied.
“If I wanted to, I could make two phone calls and have you
not only arrested for harassment, but I could sue you for
every penny you probably aren’t worth.”
Bill felt great. He loved talking to people like that. He
was one of the best lawyers in town and took pride in
beating people down with words. He waited a few minutes,
staring at the woman, hoping to see tears. Tears always
made him feel even better.
“That’s nice,” the woman replied. She turned and looked
forward. No tears.
sighed. He wanted tears.
After a
recent doctor’s appointment, Bill started walking to work
three days a week. The heat, the people, and losing the
comfort of his expensive car, made him even more miserable
than he usually was. And, now, this lady had gotten under his
He stopped walking again and turned to face the woman,
“That’s it? You have nothing else to say?”
“Not really. I was going to offer you a drink of my water
because you are wearing that heavy suit in the heat and your
face is all red and sweaty.”
The woman swooped left and walked by him.
Bill watched and felt like a jerk. The woman was being nice
and he had talked to her like that.
“Ma’am,” he said, touching her shoulder.
The woman turned.
“I’m terribly sorry for that incident a moment ago, it was
not my intention to offend you, it’s just that the ...”
“Please, be quiet,” the woman said.
She again turned away from Bill and walked. This was
unheard of for Bill. People didn’t walk away from him,
unless of course, they were afraid. But this woman wasn’t.
She looked past his suit, his tie, his sense of greatness,
and just walked away.
Bill loved challenges. And there was something intriguing
about the woman. Maybe it was her kind gesture, or maybe
her quick, simple words, but he liked her.
He charged up again to grab her shoulder. This time he was
smiling and was working on something smooth to say. Before
he could try, she stopped and spun around with her finger in
the air.
“Now you are harassing me. I could make a couple of phone
calls too, you know.”
“Oh yea? And who would you call?”
“Doesn’t matter. You don’t have to be some big shot lawyer
to call people.”
“I’m a lawyer? What makes you think that?”
“Because you think you’re better than everyone else.”
“Ouch,” Bill thought.
Then the woman walked away again!
“What’s your name?” he yelled to her.
“What’s yours?” she yelled back, still walking away.
“I’m Bill.”
“Nice to meet you, Billy!”
She turned a corner and was gone.
complete story can now be found in Bright Light
Multimedia’s latest publication
Speaking of
positive and uplifting short stories and poems about
romance, marriage and true love -
Click here for more information

Editor: "When Love
Strikes" is a wonderful story – in fact, we like it so
much, we chose it to go into our book about the joys and
wonder of love – “Speaking of Love”. If you know someone
who enjoys feeling good all over, then this is the
perfect present for them. Remember you deserve to feel
happy too. Why not give yourself the gift that keeps on
giving – “Speaking of Love”.

Kiss in the Park
Giclee Print
Xuereb, Leslie
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(applause received)
United States
"Loved the short! Sweet and
uplifting! Bravo!"
Jodi MacArthur
United States
"These both are amazing,
Jim. Good work! I look forward to more."
the next to review this story and/or music and/or performance- click here.