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The Good Stuff
Short Story
The Snow Angels
by Paul Curtis
Length: 7,306 words

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Speaking of Love - positive and uplifting short stories and poems about Romance, Marriage and True Love.

- Speaking of Love -
positive and uplifting
short stories and poems about
Romance, Marriage and true Love.

If you're in love with love,
then join the club -
everyone who wants a brighter day and a brighter world belongs to the exact same club
and we're all looking for ways to make our hearts sing and our eyes shine.

LUCKY for us, Speaking of Love
manages to do both.
Give yourself,
or someone you care about,
a real treat and read
Speaking of Love
You deserve it.
You deserve to feel wonderful.
You deserve
to feel wonderful right now.

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Breathing Deeply CD - your own personal coach

Breathing Deeply
is the natural and simple path
to happiness.
Breathing Deeply

promotes confidence,
and good health.

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Letters to Michael - Some people have to die to discover what life is all about.

Sometimes Heaven isn't all it's
hyped up to be and sometimes
it's even better.

Two members of the same family die in a tragic accident
but they have very different
experiences of the Afterlife.

Some people have to die
to discover what life is all about.

Prepare to cry and laugh out loud
and feel good all over.

"thoroughly entertaining"

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- True Love -
songs of love.

Rod Kirkham has been beloved
by Australian audiences for many
decades and he now shares
the great beauty of his lilting and melodic voice with the world.

In True Love he sings
four original songs
all celebrating the glory of love, creating the perfect romantic mood. All you need to do now is open the champers, get out the chocolates and rejoice in an evening of pleasure.

Listen now ...


Deep Relaxation & My Place of Tranquillity CD

Conquer Stress
Deep Relaxation
and your own inner
Place of Tranquillity

- Audio sample -

My Place of Tranquillity

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This delightful and enchanting story was chosen to appear in Bright Light Multimedia's latest anthology,

Speaking of Love”.

For your pleasure and perusal, we present an extract from ...

The Snow Angels

It had been an amazing year, a life changing year, a year never to be forgotten, beginning with love at first sight and ending with a miracle.

It all began, of course, as all years do, on New Year’s Day. You might think that very little occurs, let alone starts, on New Year’s Day as everyone is either nursing a hangover or is just too tired to even contemplate participation in anything very much at all. Now, that may well be true for some, but not for everyone.

For me, New Year’s Day is no different to any other day of the year … after all, isn’t every day the first day of another year? You might deduce from this that if I have such disdain for the first day of the year that my feeling for the last day of the old year might be likewise, and you would be right.

I am, and always have been, a Christmas person, I love every aspect of that season … but New Years Eve has always left me cold. In fact, I dislike every thing about it. I hate the crowded pubs, the noisy house parties, “old lang syne”, first footing and, of course, the bloody fireworks.

I always spent the evening with likeminded people, namely, my younger brother, Greg, eating Chinese takeaway and watching DVDS. We would prefer to go out to eat but, to go anywhere decent, you have to book at Easter.

On the other hand, my friends, Dave and his wife, Emma, loved New Years Eve but didn’t celebrate it for quite different reasons. Dave worked shifts as a porter at the local hospital. He’d been there since he left school, which was nearly fifteen years. It didn’t pay well but he really loved it. As a family man he always managed to trade shifts so he had Christmas off but, subsequently, he always had to work New Years Eve.

Emma was a housewife or homemaker or domestic goddess, or whatever the pc speak is. She had worked at the hospital as well until she fell pregnant with their first child. Now they had three boys, all under 5 years old, so she never had time off.

So, with all those in mind who do not participate in the Old Year's Night rituals either by design, as in my case, or by circumstance, as with Dave and Emma, I set the scene for this tale. With all that said, let’s get back to the beginning of the story, the start of that amazing year.

It was New Year’s Day and I was invited to spend the evening with my good friends, the Parkers, for one of Emma’s wonderful dinners … a culinary experience for which I would have gladly paid a king’s ransom but for which the only charge was my attendance. Well, as the saying goes, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” and that goes for dinner as well.

I was a bachelor and happy to be so. I was comfortable in my own company. I liked my life, I could do what I wanted when I wanted and I had a good job which paid well and allowed me to indulge myself, if I wanted to.

This, for Dave and Emma, was an alien concept. They were a couple and were happy, ergo I was single and therefore must be unhappy. So every time they had a dinner party, a picnic or BBQ, there was always some poor, unfortunate, unattached female guest who was propelled towards me. Even at their wedding they tried to pair me up with the matron of honour’s younger sister.

They were relentless and never gave up but it was always to no avail. It wasn’t because they were horrible or unattractive young women. In fact, they were normally very nice. It was just that they were not for me … we didn’t connect. So the price for a very excellent dinner was to be aimed at yet another single/unattached/divorced woman. Still, it was a price worth paying for a very exceptional meal, with good company.

I arrived late afternoon so I could spend some time with the kids before they went off to bed. It was sufficiently dark for the Christmas lights to be on, and Dave did like a good Christmas light. His house was in no way as gaudy as many were but he did like his lights.

I was greeted at the door by a very bleary-eyed Dave, who had clearly just risen from his pit.

“Oh dear,” I said, as I looked at his sleep filled eyes and the unmistakable bed head, “Night shift?”

“Yeh,” he replied, then yawned.

I had known Dave from infant school and we had been best friends for most of the years since. I had been best man at his wedding and godfather to his first born. I followed him into the kitchen where I was greeted by Emma who, standing on her tip toes, drew her self up to all of five feet four, hugged me and kissed my cheek. I breathed in her scent, a mixture of heady musk and baby sick. Noticing the bemused look on my face, she pointed to the milky stain on her top and laughed.

I hadn’t known Emma as long as Dave, just over 10 years, but we became friends instantly. She was one of that rare breed of humans who are just impossible to dislike. You feel instantly at ease with them.

“Happy New Year,” she said, still chuckling.

“Ditto,” I replied.

“You won’t even say the words,” she said incredulously, “I can’t believe you dislike New Year that much.” She left the room laughing.

While all this was going on, Dave had boiled the kettle and made drinks. He put a steaming mug of instant coffee on the kitchen table and I sat down on the chair nearest to it.

“What are you doing here so early anyway?” Dave asked.

“I thought I could help out by entertaining the ankle biters while you two got yourselves ready.”

“That’s very sweet of you, Bernie,” Emma said as she came back into the kitchen and sat down next to me, ”But Jake and Kenny are at Karen’s until tomorrow and Molly is asleep.”

Jake was my godson and almost five years old. Kenny was three and Molly was barely six months.

“Your sister, Karen?”

Emma nodded.

“I thought you didn’t get on with her.”

“I don’t, but I made a New Year’s resolution to get closer to her,” she said, without enthusiasm. ”She’s the only family I have so I thought I should make an effort.”

I was going to ask Dave if he had made a similar resolution but thought better of it. I knew there was too much bad blood there.

“Well, as my entertainment skills are not required I will ...” I was about to suggest that I would finish my coffee and come back later when Emma interrupted me.

“I can use you in other ways.”

“Oh,” I said and raised my eyebrows slightly as I considered the erotic image in my mind of my best friend’s wife, naked and smelling of baby sick “using me”, when she placed a potato peeler in front of me.


The next three hours passed by in the same way as so many of the hours we had spent together. Good, old fashioned fun. I could imagine nothing better than spending time in their glorious company.

As I said, I liked my life.

By seven thirty, everything was done that could be done. Dave and Emma had made themselves presentable though, in truth, Emma scrubbed up better than Dave. So I took my self upstairs to change into a clean shirt which I swiped from Dave’s wardrobe.

Just as I was coming downstairs, the doorbell rang. Dave headed for the door and I ducked into the lounge. I didn’t want to be hovering in the hall when the desperate, single woman arrived, in case I gave her the impression I was keen to meet her ... although, I confess, I was curious to see what the latest offering, in a long line of potential life partners, looked like ... but not curious enough to hover in the hallway.

The complete story can now be found in Bright Light Multimedia’s latest publication
Speaking of Love

- positive and uplifting short stories and poems about romance, marriage and true love -

Click here for more information 
Speaking of Love - positive and uplifting short stories and poems about Romance, Marriage and True Love.

Editor: "The Snow Angels" is a wonderful story – in fact, we like it so much, we chose it to go into our book about the joys and wonder of love – “Speaking of Love”. If you know someone who enjoys feeling good all over, then this is the perfect present for them. Remember you deserve to feel happy too. Why not give yourself the gift that keeps on giving – “Speaking of Love”.

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Amrhein, Elvira
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